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Alumni Accounts

Alumni: Log In and Rollover a New Alumni

This article will share how to log in as an alumni for the first time once your account has been rolled over.

After your student account is rolled over to an alumni account, you will no longer log into SchooLinks using the SSO that you used as a student. Once your account is rolled over to an alumni account, you will receive a welcome email from SchooLinks. You may or may not need to create a password depending on how you will log into SchooLinks as an alumni.

To log in as an alumni, visit this url:

If you plan to log in by entering your email address

  1. If you previously had a password associated with this email address, your password will remain the same.
  2. If you did not previously have a password, you will need to create one.
    • To create a password, select "Forgot Password". An email will go to your email address with directions on creating a new password.
    • Create new password.
    • This will be the password that you use to log into SchooLinks moving forward.


If you plan to log in by linking with an SSO

  1. Select your SSO method (Sign in with Google or Sign in with LinkedIn)
  2. Select your personal email address