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PTO Scholarships

Each year the PTOs in the Sycamore School District fund 5 scholarships for Sycamore HS Seniors.  

The scholarship committee are volunteer PTO members.  No parent on the committee shall have a senior at Sycamore HS.  They review applications with applicants' names removed.  The committee determines the recipient of the PTO Scholarship Award, the Kennedy Scholarship Award and the Flege Scholarship Award.  The counseling staff determines the recipent of the Sue Koehler Memorial Award and representatives from the Special Education department choose the Rugari Scholar.  The committee confers with the counseling staff and SAFA to ensure that there are no duplicate recipents within these local scholarships.

PTO Scholarship Award

This scholarship was established by the Sycamore School District PTOs as a long standing tradition to recognize a graduating senior who has maintained high standards in both academics and school citizenship.

Roy J. Kennedy Scholarship Award

This scholarship was established in memory of Mr. Roy J. Kennedy who served the Sycamore School District from 1927 until his retirement in 1957. Mr. Kennedy held positions as teacher, high school principal and superintendent. The recipient of this scholarship is a graduating senior who has maintained high standards in both academics and school citizenship.

Joe Flege Scholarship Award

This scholarship was established in 1981 to honor Joe Flege for his work with Sycamore Schools from 1952 to 1980. During those 28 years, Mr. Flege taught Social Studies and Science at the Junior High, served as principal of Blue Ash Elementary and held positions of Director of Instruction and Assistant Superintendent of Education.

Sue Koehler Memorial Award

In 2008 the PTO renamed a scholarship in honor of Sue Koehler. Sue was a counselor at Sycamore High School, beloved by students and staff alike.  Sue died in September 2008 after a heroic battle with ovarian cancer.  To honor Sue, this scholarship is given to a student who has overcome obstacles and embodies the strong character we look for in the youth of today.  

Gina Rugari Scholarship

This scholarship honors Gina Rugari, a member of the class of 2018 who passed away after her freshman year.  She was a student who touched many in her class with her special spark and a scholarship was awarded in her name.   In 2019 the SHS PTO voted to take over the financial responsibility for this scholarship to be given to a student who exemplifies compassion, friendship, and a caring heart to those who are differently abled.   It is intended to reward one student, while encouraging other Sycamore students to continue the unconditional acceptance of diversity like Gina received. 

Applications are open to all seniors for the three scholarships awarded by recommendation of the PTO scholarship committee.   Watch the Aviator update and other student communications for announcement when the application is available.

Please use the buttom below if you would like to donate to the Scholarship Fund:

